Christmas Gift List aims to help you plan your list of gifts for Christmas.

You do not want to leave anyone out for Christmas ? You have a budget and you do not want to exceed ? You don’t want to miss you ideas of gift ? Our application can help you !

Don’t worry if you used the free version, you can easily import your data by a simple click !


  • List your gifts/ideas per person
  • Add photo to your gifts
  • Global per person budget or individual
  • To-do list to easily check gifts to purchase and tick bought gifts
  • Countdown to Christmas
  • Set gifts or ideas as already taken by someone else
  • Take a note for a gift like where to buy it
  • Sort options


  • Protect your list with a password
  • Import your data from the free version
  • Share your list with your family
  • Historic / Create a list per year
  • Use a custom currency
  • Application without advertising !
  • New features will coming soon …
  • Support the development of the application (new features and improvements)
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